Friday, June 20, 2008

"Lord bless this food"

SO eventually I will move out of my house, maybe even this year, but while making breakfast today my worries about this changed from worries about finances to my health. A few times now I have attempted to make bacon for breakfast sandwiches. (I'm obsessed with breakfast my family got me a breakfast sandwich maker I like them that much). I have had to call my mom and describe what the bacon was like to make sure I could be eating it. It wasn't bad, it just wasn't crunchy. But the adventure was worse today...I found some peaches to go with my breakfast in the fridge, I think I opened them a week ago.....I think....Well as I'm eating my potentially undercooked bacon and maybe fermented peaches I started thinking...if I move out I might end up with food poisoning at some point. :(

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