Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I'm so freaking hyper right now. It's lovely. I have Skillet blaring...I've done my random air guitar. Oh I'm a rock star. Really.
It's funny how you forget how awesome some music is. You put it on the shelf and forget about it for awhile only to rediscover it and fall in love all over again. I listened to Skillet a lot two years ago with a broken heart. It was shelved when I had listened to it FAR to much. But they really do rock...and they are way fun to see in concert. It was good stuff. So this is a shout out to Skillet. I don't know why.

P.S. that shouldn't be the post of the script but rather just the script itself. God is really really good. Just when you think you know it all you don't. It's funny how when you are in his presence everything you thought was a big deal, everything you thought would bring you so much joy...everything just pales in comparison to him. It's incredible. Something you can't just read about something you can't fake. It's real, HE'S REAL...and I love Him. He's SO big it takes a whole eternity to get to know Him. I love it.


Rebecca said...

I love Skillet! God spoke to me incredibly through one of their songs a few years ago and it was so powerful, I still remember. I'll have to tell you the story sometime!

little naive said...

Oh yes please do!

JML said...

Air guitar!!!! Bring it to work! r I'll beat you with my air clarinet!!!! :)

little naive said...

Ha Ha Ha. We use to joke that my friend would play the rock flute in the band I was in at the time "Three Legged Race"