Saturday, June 21, 2008

Real CSI

I grew up on a farm off of Amity until I was four. Memories of this house are all happy and slightly hazy. Great times in play houses, looking up at my brother in his tree house as he ate worms (gummy worms but trying to convince me they where real worms), playing with a bouncy ball and looking up at the ceiling to see my two siblings startling the walls and looking down at me. Times playing with army men inside of a back pack that turned into their tent. Playing with the boy next door. Sliding down our giant slid into our kiddy pool. Watching our HUGE tree almost fall onto our swing set and then having my mom think that we got crushed by the tree and finding her crying and us spouting out the story of what we just witnessed. This was my early childhood.
My friend and her new family (her and her husband just had their first son like 2 days ago!) live in Nampa so my other friends and I often take Amity to her house. I have searched for my old house every time, but it's down a lane and with all the GIANT new houses built by the lane throws me off. Finally this year I found it. We drove down the lane, the lane that I as a three year old sitting on my parents laps got to steer our car down to our house. We approach the house...and find it abandoned. The front door is wide open...the trees are gone, the barn is gone, even the chicken house is gone. We drive around it and I contemplate the idea for all of us to get out and explore. The grown up inside of Erik advised not, what if we ran into an animal, a person, or even a corpse. So we drive away.
I tell this story to my mom and sister. Apparently my sister barred "treasure" as a kid by the big old tree we plan to return...and today we did.
My sister and I drive up the lane...past he neighbors that I'm sure where wondering why in the last two days so many people have been interested in this empty house. We get out of the car and both decide that of course we are going into the house, this was our childhood, lets see if it's like we remember. We go onto the enclosed porch like thing that my parents used as a bedroom during the summer. It was cooler than in the house and we where poor. Walking in Manda was concerned that the floor might cave in...but it didn't.
Someone had or has been staying there
The floor was strung with old cigarette boxes, vodka bottles, little tea light candles and bird feathers. It was weird...and it got weirder. We walked into what use to be our old room...there was a mattress in there and once again bottles everywhere and tea lights. Manda, the brave one walks into the room and looks into the closet. I was slightly sure that there would be someone in there but there wasn't. It was empty except for the nasty floor. OH that was another a kid we had carpet in the house...until we discovered that there was wonderful hard wood floors underneath, so that carpet was quickly pulled up. Upon returning though the floor had been covered again. Towards the end of our visit Manda told me why. My family had all heard that after we moved out of that house a few families had moved in and out of it. One lady that had lived there had actually killed herself there. Manda said that she heard that there was a blood stain on our beautiful hard wood floors and that's why they covered it up, apparently she shot herself...and this is the house we where now walking through.
I'll continue this later....I have to go to church...PRAISE GOD!

1 comment:

JML said...

That's scary! Blood-stained floors in abandoned houses, sounds like a Scooby Doo adventure to me! It was actually the neighbor, in a rubber mask, not the old lady.