Saturday, May 24, 2008

Hello lady

I started working at Starbucks (if you can tell me why it is called starbucks without me having had told you before I will be highly impressed) like 5 months ago and since then a habit that I was unaware I had came to my attention...I say hello...all the time. No...ALL THE TIME! My coworkers (or partners if you work there) pointed this out soon after I started. It didn't really sink in until last night when I realized I said hello to the same person 3 times in like one minute. I pretty much say it if you make eye contact with me at all. Just look at me and you'll get a hello. My boss laughs and says that she like it. It's a friendly little quirk. Yeah ok I guess but have any of you ever seen the "hello lady"? She says hello in places where they don't belong. Example "You put the potatos in the pot and HELLO then you turn the oven on HELLO." She lives in Idaho and is a substitute teacher. I even had her once for a sub. She was on Regis and Kelly when it was actually the Regis and Kathy Lee show. She's even written a few cook books. She's way sweet and sort of sounds crazy. I may be turning into the hello lady.

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