Saturday, June 28, 2008

Real CSI conclusion (I’m a procrastinator.)

Leaving our old bed room that is apparently now some kind of a nesting place we enter back into the living room. On the wall near our old bedroom door I later discovered an upside-down cross with a 666 creatively placed next to it. The wall is lined with tea light candles along the base. This is creepy.
We make our way into the tiny kitchen. The floor is covered in a dry liquid. Because of the empty bottle of hydrogen peroxide we wonder if it’s blood. But based on the color we conclude its dried urine, most likely from someone that is intoxicated. The sink has an old water bottle under the facet. In a cupboard that would be over a refrigerator if there had been a refrigerator. It is neatly stalked with empty liquor bottles. The irony of this makes me laugh, the whole house it trashed, literally, yet this cupboard of liquor is so neatly organized. We walk down the little hallway. As a kid I remember this being much bigger. I remember my siblings stretching out with hands on one side of the hall and feet on the other and climbing up to the ceiling like this looking down at me…but it’s not that wide…or long…yet my sister reassures me that my memories are true…I guess they WERE shorter back then.
This hall leads to the bathroom on the left and my brother’s old bedroom on the right. My sister goes into the bathroom, I however do not I just peer inside. There where pills in the toilet and yet another upside down cross, a twin to the one in the living room. Other things are painted on the wall to in a reddish fingernail polish. It creped me out a little, on some of the doorways this fingernail polish was smeared with fingers….
In my brothers old bedroom there is cat litter on the floor, a naked tree painted on the wall along with an old mans face. The closet didn’t have a door…in it there is a stool…and a belt hanging from the poll. That creped me out. I’ve heard of people hanging themselves with belts in their closets.
Then we go into the back room. This room was just an off room off of the covered garage. It was sort of like a concrete covered patio. In the floor there is a wooden door. You lift it open and there are concert steps leading down to an old basement.
It’s wide open when we walk in.
This is a scene is straight from a horror movie. I’m creped out expecting to hear movement down there…we looked down this hole in the floor. Our eyes follow the old concert steps. Spider webs line the hole….
We head outside deciding to forget about the basement. But in the back of mind I’m thinking what’s down there? What if there is a dead person…what if there is a live person. I’m going to be wondering for the rest of my days. Finally we decide we are going into the basement ripped from a horror movie.
We approach the hole. While I’m thinking we’re going to find some CSI scene all that my sister is worried about is getting spiders in her afro. She’s braver than I am and starts down the steps. She gets about two steps down when flies start buzzing up out of the dark abyss.
We both chicken out at that point.
However I did peer down the entrance to the basement. All I could see was remnants of carpet and an old swivel desk chair with its back to us. That was scary!
We left after a bit. I was sure that the neighbors thought that we just bought drugs from whoever was in that house. We went back to my sister’s house. An hour or so in to watching TV my sister was like “Great now I’m going to be wondering what was in the basement.” I sort of did too…but I wasn’t going to let that haunt me. What if there was someone down there…a missing person?? A Person in need? A missing link to an open case? I’d rather live than know : D
I was thinking as we walked through that house who lives here? How did they get here? Not just physically (although that is another point my sister made…how did they get here? The house is off of the road, down a lane. How did they find out that was empty? What happened?) but to that place in life in general. What a dark place to be in spirit. How hopeless…Leaving I had this dark feeling. I am so thankful that God has saved me. So thankful. satan is a liar…and this person is caught in a dark, twisted web of lies. Please pray for them.

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