Saturday, July 5, 2008

I like words...if only I could spell them

I picked up reading again. Up until the last month I spent hours a day watching TV, which by the way without cable takes a lot of skill and tolerance because there is nothing on. But now I want to read...all the time. I just got done reading Beautiful Boy. It was a Starbucks featured book about a dad's journey through his sons addiction. It's a very true story. The guy did ALL sorts of drugs but mainly meth. Meth is from satan. Just how it makes you act and feel and what it does to you. It steals your life. It's awful in so many ways and I may get into that in a different blog. (AND no I don't do drugs and I never have...I'm just a weird me anyway) a
Now I'm on The Shack and I'm loving it. I'm also reading Confident Woman in the back ground for small group. Along with Exodus.
I want to read all the time as I have mentioned. It's kind of sad. People invite me to do things and I'm just thinking "I sort of want to just read". I had a full day off not to long ago, I'm talking NO plans and that doesn't happen often and I slept and read ALL day. It was wonderful. Yet sad. Also I need to read the Bible more. Yes I am reading Exodus...or starting it rather...but I'm devouring The Shack. Shouldn't that be the other way around?
A plus is I think my vocabulary went up two points in the last month. Woo!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I started reading a book I like a month ago it is so good. Reading Lolita in Tehran but I have been getting distracted by life. When I do read I all I read is Proverbs. Which is weird but I can't get off of it. Spent a whole day reading Proverbs and Philippians.
Reading is good stuff. If you want to read my book in the mean time you totally can.