Saturday, July 26, 2008

Keep bleeding Keep Keep bleeding....

I sit here in the middle of a heart break...inside of a Vampire book. Oh my lanta I just couldn't stay away. They are just so well written. You have to know what's going to happen or something I don't even know. I do know that I'm like 1/3 done with the second book...and I did that mostly all in one day. It makes me sick.

But it was beautiful

You read along knowing that this boy is going to break this girls heart and she's so nieve thinking that something else is going to happen and then you just see her crushed.The end of the chapter she sinks into complete grief and the utter pain of all that heart break is. The next four pages contains one word upon each...the tittle of the next four months. Followed by "Time passes. Even when it seems impossible. Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me." Written so perfectly and do dramatically. My heart broke for this imaginary girl. I have so been there. Standing in the middle of this pain...there's nothing like it. Not knowing how you will get through the next few months...years...and not wanting to know.
Yet times still passes all the same. I'm so thankful for God. I don't know how people heal from heart break without Him...or if they ever really do. He heals so patiently. He takes his time, letting you get it all out, one layer at a time. No one else can do that. Not your trying to forget, not drinking away your sorrows, not even getting a new boy/girl friend. That wound will still linger.
Putting a person in God's place has to be the most stressful thing ever. That person is going to let you down. They will. The God shaped hole in your heart was never meant to be filled by a is MUCH MUCH to big. Bigger in every way. When that person leaves, because eventually they will (if not by break up, we all have to die sometime) your entire world gets destroyed. Your since of being. God said "I will never leave you or forsake you" and He's the only one telling the truth when he says it...and I'm so thankful for that.


JML said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

.:meagan.rae:. said...

This is so true, and so well written!
Jesus knew he NEEDED people in his life (like his disciples) but he knew he couldn't RELY on them. THANK God for his grace to guide us through these times only to patiently make us realize that he's the only one consistently faithful; and no one could play the part better.

PS. i love this song. Jake mocks, i sing along. :)

JML said...

I don't really mock. I'm poking fun at what she's reading...based on various conversations we've had. Otherwise, good post!!!!

Jack of All Trades—Master of One said...

Oh friend! Teen vampire love!