Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Vampire Prom

I got the text, the invite, I had no excuse except that it sounded lame and I was afraid of how the whole experience would be. Her comeback was guilt and as usual it worked. She would have to go alone and I would just be hanging out at my house with my lame excuse. So I agreed.

I went to the vampire prom.

The vampire books I've been reading shamefully (I mean that. I feel horrible reading them, yet I want to know how they end up. Reading these is becoming my dark secret that I hide), came out with the last book of the seres. This is what made me happy about jumping into the books late, I didn't have to wait like a year for the last book to come out. So I went to the opening at Hastings...or aka the vampire prom. Oh that's right the prom. No really people dresses up in dresses and suits. Some painted gore on themselves and so on and so forth.
I figured if I was going I would jump into it head first. So I painted a shirt. It was actually pretty awesome. It's black and simply says "edward". I'll eventually put a quote from Edward on the back but right now I have yet to see a quote worthy of going on it. But people said it looked like I bought it. It made me happy.
I'll add more to go.

1 comment:

JML said...

I'm still laughing!