Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I'm sick
PRAY for me please! It's nothing serious...I have a cold...or allergies that should be shot for treating a person this way. JK. I'm pretty sure I have a cold. No big deal usually, just tough it out, but you see I'm leaving for Washington DC this Saturday. We're going to be meeting and praying for our congressmen. I'm excited! But this cold needs to go. I can just see me sitting at this big meeting table with Bill Sali and as he's talking to use in an almost awkwardly quite room I'm sniffling the whole time. OR, like earlier today, I'll just sneeze 5 times nearly in a row...and these are wet sneezes people. It's not pretty. So I would love it if you would life up a quick prayer for me. Thanks
Sunday, September 14, 2008
When I grow up...
I may have found my calling in life.
Rodeo clown. Think about it...
1) They get to work with animals. I totally have experience in that. I mean come on you can't get much worse than an angry Siamese cat anyway right? So bulls are huge and have horns...they just have two horns. Cat's have like 16 claws and 32 teeth AND THEY AREN'T AFRAID TO USE THEM! Even if it's just for kicks. And plus I'd have those giant barrels to jump into right?
2)The barrel jumping is like excercise. Forget the gym! That's like having benefits right there.
3)Rodeo clowns also get to wear costumes. I LOVE COSTUMES. And the face make up expresses their personality. Fun!
4)Rodeo clowns are funny. I've been told I'm funny...and I have acting experience. It's perfect. I think I would be a great rodeo clown.
Rodeo clown. Think about it...
1) They get to work with animals. I totally have experience in that. I mean come on you can't get much worse than an angry Siamese cat anyway right? So bulls are huge and have horns...they just have two horns. Cat's have like 16 claws and 32 teeth AND THEY AREN'T AFRAID TO USE THEM! Even if it's just for kicks. And plus I'd have those giant barrels to jump into right?
2)The barrel jumping is like excercise. Forget the gym! That's like having benefits right there.
3)Rodeo clowns also get to wear costumes. I LOVE COSTUMES. And the face make up expresses their personality. Fun!
4)Rodeo clowns are funny. I've been told I'm funny...and I have acting experience. It's perfect. I think I would be a great rodeo clown.
I wish...and also
I wish...
That squirrels where tame. OH my lanta time of my life. If I had a pet squirrel that would be so much fun. I would laugh all the time. Forget the tv. Oh that would be fun. Or even to be a squirrel...that would be fun too! If I was an animal I would hope to be a squirrel...or maybe a ferret. They're crazy and funny too.
And also...
I just showed my mom my blog and she read it "'Make like a tree'...and leave is that what you're trying to say?" Once again my nieveness has gotten me in trouble. NO THAT'S NOT WHAT I MENT! I didn't even think of that...although that is pretty funny. No I don't want people to leave (despite prior entries) I meant make like a tree...as in psalms one.
How well God must like you-
you don't hang out at Sin Saloon,
you don't slink along Dead-End Road,
you don't go to Smart-Mouth College.
Instead you thrill to God's Word,
you chew on Scripture day and night.
You're a tree replanted in Eden,
bearing fresh fruit every month,
Never dropping a leaf,
always in blossom.
You're not at all like the wicked,
who are mere windblown dust-
Without defense in court,
unfit company for innocent people.
God charts the road you take.
The road they take is Skid Row.
(Psalms 1 -The Message)
That squirrels where tame. OH my lanta time of my life. If I had a pet squirrel that would be so much fun. I would laugh all the time. Forget the tv. Oh that would be fun. Or even to be a squirrel...that would be fun too! If I was an animal I would hope to be a squirrel...or maybe a ferret. They're crazy and funny too.
And also...
I just showed my mom my blog and she read it "'Make like a tree'...and leave is that what you're trying to say?" Once again my nieveness has gotten me in trouble. NO THAT'S NOT WHAT I MENT! I didn't even think of that...although that is pretty funny. No I don't want people to leave (despite prior entries) I meant make like a tree...as in psalms one.
How well God must like you-
you don't hang out at Sin Saloon,
you don't slink along Dead-End Road,
you don't go to Smart-Mouth College.
Instead you thrill to God's Word,
you chew on Scripture day and night.
You're a tree replanted in Eden,
bearing fresh fruit every month,
Never dropping a leaf,
always in blossom.
You're not at all like the wicked,
who are mere windblown dust-
Without defense in court,
unfit company for innocent people.
God charts the road you take.
The road they take is Skid Row.
(Psalms 1 -The Message)
Saturday, September 13, 2008

As far back as I can remember I have tried to be different...one shade off from the norm. I don't know why. It wasn't like I wanted attention, I don't remember really ever feeling neglected...I just IDK wanted to stand out perhaps. If the world was singing the same I wanted to be the one harmonizing. Just different.
Quite honestly I was destined to be different from the start. God made me very off color from the inside out. My eyes are two different colors, I'm left handed, I have a far from perfect smile, and everyone thinks I'm from a different country. I was born different.
I like being unique (which we all are btw). Yet when people pointed it out sometimes it hurt. When people would bring up how loud I was, how crazy, or how different I looked (aka they called me ugly), it hurt.
Going to the church that I do, where everyone (including babies), looked like they could have make a yanked off a run way, doesn't help at times. Here I am in my Cheerios t-shirt, hair that has a mood issues, and jeans that needed to be washed like a month ago and two year olds are running past me looking like they just sprung from a baby gap photo shoot. It starts to wear on me...
I'm different
I'm not what the world expects a 20 year old to be. I dress like a 12 year old that is still in the awkward stage of playing with the boys in the mud while the other girls are starting to plan their weddings. Not really...kind of...more like I'm dressed like the artsy (or try to) kid surrounded by super models (Picture Lainy Boggs from She's All That). I am way to messy for my old good and sometimes what makes a good day for me is if I get to be home to watch Aurthur on PBS.
I'm different
(ANNNND cue Jesus) God's been working on me. A few months ago someone came and gave me a message from God "He made you different for a reason" He said much more than this and I will treasure that forever...but that's a tangent. Like I said I do enjoy being different...it's just there's somethings that it would be nice to somewhat fit in for...
God made me different
And He's making me happy with that. I'm learning to praise God with all that I am...and how much joy it brings Him. So I happen to somehow yell in every story I tell? So my hair...we won't even to get into it's issues...So I dress laid back? God loves me and calls me fearfully and wonderfully made. I'm being who he made me..that is worship...that is fulfilling my purpose...my very different purpose.
Let it out by Leeland
It's like you got to walk like him
Got to talk like her
Got to be like them
Everybody knows you follow the crowd
Or get singled out
But God says who you are
Not the world or movie stars
Don't you know He holds the answers in His hands?
We're stuck in a system Is there anybody different?
Is anybody listening?
Is anybody listening?
Everyone has their own sound
Let it out now, let it out now
There's nothing wrong with living loud.
Let it out now, let it out now
I'm drawing the line between
Being them or being me
I'm not ashamed to call myself one of Yours, Lord
But it's a narrow bath
I've got to break from the pack
No turning back
No turning back
Yes, God's looking for a people
With a passion in their hearts
We're God's children
We need to shine bright
We need to shine bright
Everyone has their own sound
Everyone has their own sound
Don't you know all God's children have their sound?
Saturday, September 6, 2008
The Best Pool Party EVER!

I went to a doggie pool party with my sister a week or more back. My anticipated response from you “(sarcastic) Oh how exciting…. (Not so sarcastic) I don’t know if I really want to read this post.” Just hear me out. IT WAS AMAZING! Like the most fun I’ve had in awhile. Sorry human friends…dogs might have you bet this time ;)
So Nampa is going to have a dog park soon. To raise money for it they took a kiddy pool (one of the coolest kiddy pools I’ve ever seen. Complete with fountains, a slide and a water depth of 0-31/2 feet.) A baseball field, and a small section of a field next to it and fenced it off. They charged $5 per dog and it was SO worth it. You go into this totally enclosed haven and set your dog free. Now before you start having all sorts of vision of horribleness let me paint you a picture.
All dogs must be vaccinated. No un-spayed females. And let’s face in, everyone that came was a dog person and most dogs very dog friendly. In fact there weren’t any real fights. Just some “GET OFF MY BACK” barks and snaps but nothing really. In fact the only real medical problems they had was broken toe nails. (I know this because the West Vet Pet Ambulance was there advertising…and just in case, and that’s where my sister works so I got an inside look)
The dogs had a blast. My sister’s dog, Buddy, was so excited he was barking LOUD before we even got in. He never barks. You could tell which dogs just got there because they didn’t know what to do with themselves. It was like all that they had been bared from doing all their lives they where finally free to do. They where finally off the leash. And it was a blast to watch. You have NO idea. Happy dogs acting like idiots. Oh my lanta….SO much fun.
I don’t expect you to understand or truly appreciate this. But truly it was a once in a life time experience and I’m so happy I was a part of it.
So Nampa is going to have a dog park soon. To raise money for it they took a kiddy pool (one of the coolest kiddy pools I’ve ever seen. Complete with fountains, a slide and a water depth of 0-31/2 feet.) A baseball field, and a small section of a field next to it and fenced it off. They charged $5 per dog and it was SO worth it. You go into this totally enclosed haven and set your dog free. Now before you start having all sorts of vision of horribleness let me paint you a picture.
All dogs must be vaccinated. No un-spayed females. And let’s face in, everyone that came was a dog person and most dogs very dog friendly. In fact there weren’t any real fights. Just some “GET OFF MY BACK” barks and snaps but nothing really. In fact the only real medical problems they had was broken toe nails. (I know this because the West Vet Pet Ambulance was there advertising…and just in case, and that’s where my sister works so I got an inside look)
The dogs had a blast. My sister’s dog, Buddy, was so excited he was barking LOUD before we even got in. He never barks. You could tell which dogs just got there because they didn’t know what to do with themselves. It was like all that they had been bared from doing all their lives they where finally free to do. They where finally off the leash. And it was a blast to watch. You have NO idea. Happy dogs acting like idiots. Oh my lanta….SO much fun.
I don’t expect you to understand or truly appreciate this. But truly it was a once in a life time experience and I’m so happy I was a part of it.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Heart broken

Feelings are dumb. And so are broken promises. They both hurt you and lead your astray.
Back story.
I finished the stupid/wonderful vampire books. I will not ruin the last book for those of you that haven't finished it. I will say that it took a different turn in the end and I was questioning my reading these now somewhat disgusting books...yet I endured it because they are addictive and thus the reason for their stupidity. I did like them A LOT. However I would not recommend them because of the fact that they are VERY hard to put down, like not getting things done hard. And because of some of the scenes. It makes me sad that some younger people are reading them. It's very easy to get attached to the characters. I went through a few days of the heart ache of finishing a series and realizing that there is no more of the story...
That brings me to my reason for my opening statement.
After finishing the series there was still hope that lingered. The author was said to be writing the same series again, but from Edward's, the leading male's, prospective. I found this not only intriguing but exciting. The story would go on, and I would see it from a different angle. I was happy. There was even the 1st chapter that the author put up online as a teaser. Talking to my co-worker about it she told me that this was now not going to happen. I did my research and I'm sad to say it's true.
One of the authors close friends/co-laborer (IDK) took the rough draft of the book and illegally put it up on the web. Hurt and betrayed the author decided not to finish this new series. She said that feelings affect authors and their writing and if she wrote it now it would be all wrong. So she put up the true rough draft for her fans to read and left it at that. There will be no more.
FEELINGS ARE BAD. Ok not really but honestly...they lead people astray. People say they fall out of love and shatter each others lives by getting a divorce. People get down about something and let it eat them until, before they know it, they have no friends and watch tv all day because the don't FEEL like doing anything else. People get betrayed and break promises to their fans.
Honestly the authors right, now wouldn't be the best time to write it...but still...never write it again? Forgive the person, and finish what you started.
Broken promises hurt to. I was looking forward to that...and now it's gone. I'm tired of that happening...but there is a reason beyond me I'm sure. Maybe it's for the best. That's all I would need during this intern year, a distraction like stupid teen vampire love...(sigh) I'm still disappointed.
Back story.
I finished the stupid/wonderful vampire books. I will not ruin the last book for those of you that haven't finished it. I will say that it took a different turn in the end and I was questioning my reading these now somewhat disgusting books...yet I endured it because they are addictive and thus the reason for their stupidity. I did like them A LOT. However I would not recommend them because of the fact that they are VERY hard to put down, like not getting things done hard. And because of some of the scenes. It makes me sad that some younger people are reading them. It's very easy to get attached to the characters. I went through a few days of the heart ache of finishing a series and realizing that there is no more of the story...
That brings me to my reason for my opening statement.
After finishing the series there was still hope that lingered. The author was said to be writing the same series again, but from Edward's, the leading male's, prospective. I found this not only intriguing but exciting. The story would go on, and I would see it from a different angle. I was happy. There was even the 1st chapter that the author put up online as a teaser. Talking to my co-worker about it she told me that this was now not going to happen. I did my research and I'm sad to say it's true.
One of the authors close friends/co-laborer (IDK) took the rough draft of the book and illegally put it up on the web. Hurt and betrayed the author decided not to finish this new series. She said that feelings affect authors and their writing and if she wrote it now it would be all wrong. So she put up the true rough draft for her fans to read and left it at that. There will be no more.
FEELINGS ARE BAD. Ok not really but honestly...they lead people astray. People say they fall out of love and shatter each others lives by getting a divorce. People get down about something and let it eat them until, before they know it, they have no friends and watch tv all day because the don't FEEL like doing anything else. People get betrayed and break promises to their fans.
Honestly the authors right, now wouldn't be the best time to write it...but still...never write it again? Forgive the person, and finish what you started.
Broken promises hurt to. I was looking forward to that...and now it's gone. I'm tired of that happening...but there is a reason beyond me I'm sure. Maybe it's for the best. That's all I would need during this intern year, a distraction like stupid teen vampire love...(sigh) I'm still disappointed.
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