Sunday, September 14, 2008

When I grow up...

I may have found my calling in life.
Rodeo clown. Think about it...

1) They get to work with animals. I totally have experience in that. I mean come on you can't get much worse than an angry Siamese cat anyway right? So bulls are huge and have horns...they just have two horns. Cat's have like 16 claws and 32 teeth AND THEY AREN'T AFRAID TO USE THEM! Even if it's just for kicks. And plus I'd have those giant barrels to jump into right?

2)The barrel jumping is like excercise. Forget the gym! That's like having benefits right there.

3)Rodeo clowns also get to wear costumes. I LOVE COSTUMES. And the face make up expresses their personality. Fun!

4)Rodeo clowns are funny. I've been told I'm funny...and I have acting experience. It's perfect. I think I would be a great rodeo clown.

2 comments: said...

Rodeo clowns need to have themes. You could totally wear your 'Bucks apron and be "Java Clown".

little naive said...

Or Java the Clown. That would be pretty sweet. When I needed to distract the bulls from trying to kill the cowboys I could just throw hot coffee on them...
I'm sure beign branded hurt much worse right. I mean come on I poured hot coffee on myself today and I'm still here.