Saturday, August 30, 2008

A tale of pranks and the monster I am

Once upon a time there were some boys. These boys took a noble trip to ready a camp for their group of companions. While away they left their forms of transportation parked all together, their windows down, and their doors unlocked. All but one boy that is but seeing as he was so close to his friends it would be a pity for him not to suffer the wrath that his friends would soon suffer. You see girls happened by these groups of cars. Seeing a wonderful opportunity they jumped on the chance to shower love on the fellows in the form of yarn and demeaning remarks.

And the girls lived anxiously ever after waiting for retaliation.

One of these lovely girls however was a monster. She had betrayed her fellow girls to this group of boys before and offered to assist the boys in a little payback. Feeling guilty however she poured her heart out to one of her fellow girls. The girl poured some undeserving forgiveness onto this monster of a girl. Now the guilt ridden monster is trying to gain trust back and feels awful.
The end.


Anonymous said...

Do not feel bad. If the world was not full of monsters Jesus would never have come. That is right my friend we are all monsters. Besides I have a feeling that this friend has already forgotten and doesn't remember a thing about betrayal. No trust rebuilding needed.

.:meagan.rae:. said...

haha first of all i thought your prank was brilliant..

what was this payback?! i never heard about it!????

tell tell!!!!

little naive said...

Ha. You never heard about it because it never happend. It was payback for a certian "accedent" involving popcorn. I was all to willing for some back stabbing. Just out of fun mind you...however boy pranks are just down right mean. I'm not looking forward how they repay a simple yarning. :(