I think I have a gift of distraction…well I guess you could call it a gift. I can get people off on tangents so quickly. Really I’m the ADD kids worst nightmare, that includes myself. I get so easily distracted. This thought hops to that thought and before I know it I’m so off topic and at a lost. When I in an awkward situation I find me trying to distract myself and others by making them laugh. I’m pretty sure that if some Russian killer started getting hot on my teams trail I could have them talking about the dog they had when they where five a matter of minutes…or at least have them cracking up while everyone else made their way out the back window. Another thing, I like being creative. I think I could make up story’s quickly. I could so help with covers. I also use to be an actress, improv was one of my favorites and I think I was pretty good at it. “Fake it till you make it” was a theme in acting. If you act like you belong somewhere people will believe you belong there. I think I could do that. I could take on other identities and probably having people believing it. AND apparently I can pull off being foreign without even trying so that is a plus for a spy right? Between all this and gadgets I think I could be unstoppable.
Watching Chuck also brought the downsides to spy-hood to my attention. Well obviously I would have to lie…and I’m not so keen on that. But the other thing you could never fall in love and you would have to give up all of your past and pretend all of your life. Couldn’t be hanging out at my sisters house with all the fuzzy nieces and nephews. They couldn’t exist to me. And can’t fall in love…really? That’s really sucky…Technically though I don’t think I’d have to really play by the rules…I’m just the distraction right?