Tuesday, October 7, 2008

thoght provoking

...a friend and I were talking the other day and she said "...like how the abc's and twinkle twinkle little star are the same song?" What? How did I never see this before? What a rip off. But which came first?

Quote/story of the day:
New starbucks employee in the drive through
"So up to anything fun today?"
"What?! But you're in a mini-van!"
As funny as it is it also makes since...weird right? Needless to say, I've met this girl twice and she's already in the quote book.


Anonymous said...

I always think of fun whenever anyone says mini van come on. She sounds like an amazing girl!
On another note you didn't realize those two songs have the same melody. I for one think twinkle twinkle is a better song!

Jack of All Trades—Master of One said...

YEY MINI-VANS!!I drove one for over 3 years...lol! You remember the green caravan? lol...good times....

on another completely unrelated sidenote: I've decided, out of intellectual curiosity as an english major, that I need to read this latest hit. A trend is emerging in most popular lit, and "Twilight" is a part of that...so I think I need to read it. After all, as a christian author I need to BEAT it. :p

Tracy Wilde said...

mini van + starbucks = cracked out fun! oh, and never realized the two songs have the same melody...um, crazy?! thnx for that new tidbit. xoxo

little naive said...

Lainy-totally agree

Jenny-Yes I remember the van! But I didn't until you said something. :D Also beware. Wonderful WONDERFUL books. Honestly, now that I'm done with it feels like some of my close friends moved away and I miss them. But beware. You will think about them ALL the time. You will find yourself reading them non-stop, losing sleep to read, considering skiping responsibilities to read them, and they are somewhat romatically distracitng. Use caution.

Traci-I'm glad I wasn't the only one. And cracked out fun? HA HA HA!

JML said...

I knew it, but I can tell you that I didn't always. I think that I had the song stuck in my head one day, and couldn't figure out what I was singing, and somehow spoonerized the"lyrics"of both songs together, and that's when I had my revelation. Training Krystal was a lot of fun! She makes me laugh, and makes me look like I'm a good "coach" because she's doing really well!!!!